Teachers follow a natural language acquisition approach through the maximum use of the auditory modality and application of auditory verbal principles. Through natural learning experiences and interaction, learners are exposed to intensive, day-long listening with the use of appropriate hearing technology, which parents extend to their home environments. The natural learning refers to the fact that the learners are taken on outings or participate in themed activities, specific to the week’s module. Classrooms also feature adjacent observation rooms from which the learners can be observed and guided.
Supportive specialists and therapists such as audiologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and a social worker are present every step of the way to assist children to overcome various challenges and work closely with the teachers to facilitate progress in speech-language acquisition.
The aim of the Carel du Toit Centre’s pre-school programme is to help the hearing impaired child to acquire language in a natural, developmentally appropriate and fun way, to enable them to progress to the foundation phase.
A language enriched programme is offered in small classes to ensure individual attention to address the language delay needs of the hearing impaired child.
Language is taught according to weekly themes. The week starts with an outing or in-experience on the premises relating to the theme. The programme is experience based so the child needs to experience the language and concepts first-hand before vocabulary is taught. The child’s experience is captured in a story chart to provide vocabulary and language structure goals. Parents then receive a copy of the story chart to ensure the same language and vocabulary is worked on at home. Parental support is vital for the child’s language skills to develop.
The Grade R classes follow the CAPS curriculum, prescribed by the Western Cape Government: Education and have adapted the same curriculum for its Pre-Grade R classes to be developmentally correct for the younger child with hearing impairment.
Term 1 – 4: 8:30 – 12:00
Term 1: 8:30 – 12:00
Term 2: 8:30 – 12:15
Term 3: 8:30 – 12:30
Term 4: 8:30 – 12:45
Middle Group
Term 1 – 4: 8:30 – 13:00
Grade R
Term 1 – 4: 8:15 – 13:00
The Foundation Phase at Cape Town’s Carel du Toit Centre was founded out of the need to give learners, who need more time with the acquisition of language, the opportunity to progress to Grade 3. Yolanda Stassen, a previous teacher at Carel du Toit Centre, started the first grades class in 2006.
Learners are part of a language-rich programme and the extra-murals offered give them a kick-start for sports activities they will undertake in either mainstream schools when leaving the Centre, or at any schools for learners with special education needs.
The size of the classes differs from year to year and is adapted to the unique need of every age group.

Grade 1
Monday – Thursday: 08h15 – 13h30
Friday: 08h15 – 13h00
Grade 2
Monday -Thursday: 08h15 – 13h45
Friday: 08h15 – 13h00
Grade 3
Monday – Thursday: 08h15 – 14h00
Friday: 08h15 – 13h00
No more than 10 learners per class.
Teaching based on CAPS curriculum / AV principles applied in class.
Two outings per term for Grades 1 to 3.
Sports and Culture during school hours.

At the Carel du Toit Centre we have always wanted our children to exceed in all areas and have the opportunity to participate in various extra-mural activities. We are very proud of the many different sport and culture opportunities that our children now have, thanks to the staff who coach and with great appreciation to the generous donors who have come on board to make this dream a reality.
We have a beautiful soccer and hockey field and an incredible tennis/netball court, both due to the benevolence of donors.
Sports offered at the Carel du Toit Centre:
- Ballet
- Drama
- Hockey
- Netball
- Soccer
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Eisteddfod
All extra-mural activities take place during school hours, mainly during first break
The aftercare service at the Carel du Toit Centre is a caring environment. The children receive a healthy lunch when they arrive at aftercare
The Aftercare facility has a lovely outdoor play area with a jungle gym, as well as another jungle gym when they indoors.
Monetary donations and sponsorship of goods sustain this service and we are ever thankful for the generosity of all who contribute. You are most welcome to contact the Centre if you wish to donate to this service in any way.
Many of the Centre’s learners are from disadvantaged communities from all over the peninsula and many parents are unable to afford the costs of transport to and from the school. The Centre is currently transporting around 60 learners to school in the morning and back home in the afternoon. Providing transport ensures that learners are present to remain in the programme, despite the challenges of increased fuel costs, maintenance of vehicles and the harsh reality of socio-economic circumstances in Cape Town.